How we do it

TSI has created a web-based and consultancy solution whereby:
- Directors and executives of not-for-profits can gain access to personal opportunities for director development.
- Directors and executives can conduct self assessments of their knowledge of corporate governance.
- Directors, executives and management can engage with other directors, executives, management and interested parties to discuss key issues through a forum of peers.
- For-profit organisations can identify not-for-profit boards which they wish to invest in.
Third Sector Insights is committed to sourcing Strategic Alliance Partners who will have the core knowledge and skills to support the agreed programme as individually and specifically designed for each client. The fundamental focus and outcome of any intervention must be that we have an organisation that has a dynamic active value adding Board, which supports its Executive and Operational Management in their driving of the goals and objectives of the organisation.
This is achieved by having the correct composition of the Board, who are fully aware of their responsibilities. The Management Information reporting system must be robust and flexible enough to be able to feed accurate information on a timeous basis to all levels of the organisation, so that correct and informed decisions can be made. In addition, the core critical client relationships need to be managed at all levels and the very important market intelligence around these relationships.
ourGovernance Course overview
Paarl, Cape Town 7646
Suite 283, Private Bag X22, Tygervalley, Cape Town, 7536
Copyright Third Sector Insights 2013
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