At Third Sector Insights NPT we are committed to bridging the divide between the for-profit and not-for-profit worlds.
Our vision is for responsible stewardship in Non-profit Organisations resulting in an extremely successful, professional and credible Third Sector with strong working relationships with their for-profit partners.
The core business of Third Sector Insights (TSI) is the overall improvement of corporate
governance and executive performance of Not for Profit Organisations through:
- Applied Corporate Governance with a view to empowering individual directors and executives through personal director and executive development. Open dialogue and strong partnerships between for-profit and not-for-profit organisations clearly articulating the mutual benefits.
- Creating a platform and central access point for for-profits to identify and engage with not-for-profit organisations, through investing in the director and executive development of these organisations.
- Creating an open dialogue through a dedicated forum to explore and discuss core critical issues effecting not-for-profit organisations and inhibiting their impact on behalf of their stakeholders and beneficiaries
The desired outcomes
Not-for-Profit Organisations with sound structured informed Board of Directors and executives who have an in-depth understanding of their roles and responsibilities and the positive effect of their efforts on the impact of the organisation.
For-profit Organisations able to quantify their corporate responsibilities efforts and impact through success stories of the organisations lead by the directors and executives empowered by their personal development investment demonstrated through improved impact outcomes.
Paarl, Cape Town 7646
Suite 283, Private Bag X22, Tygervalley, Cape Town, 7536
Copyright Third Sector Insights 2013
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