What we do

Third Sector Insights bridges the divide between the Corporate World and the ‘Third Sector world’, by engaging with for-profit and not-for-profit organisations. We understand the dynamics at play in the both environments, and create a platform from which both can understand and engage with each other for shared benefits.

Not-for-profit Organisations
Creating opportunities for Governing Body members and Executives to invest in personal Development with an applied Corporate Governance aspect and a view to empowering them to become more effective and efficient in their duties.
Facilitating a Not-for-profit leadership forum for opening up the dialogue around key issues effecting the governance and management of their organisations.
Distributing regular Third Sector Insights electronic brief with the latest local and international third sector information.
The core focus of these services is to ensure that the Governance structure and executives have access to personal development opportunities and become fully informed of their roles and responsibilities as Governing Body Members. Plus create a platform for operational and practical issues to be dealt with through a forum network. Both of these primary services are designed to add value to the effectiveness of the organisation.
For-profit Organisations
Creating opportunities through their corporate responsibility ethos to engage with Not-for-profit organisations, thus enabling Governing Body Members and Executives of Not-for-profit organisations to embark on personal development in Corporate Governance.
Reduce the risk of their corporate social investment by strengthening the corporate governance aspect of the not-for-profit organisations they fund.
TSI further enhances the corporate governance experience of NPOs by conducting Board Induction workshops, Board performance evaluations and King IV readiness and compliance. It conducts focused research in the third sector.

how we do it
Paarl, Cape Town 7646
Suite 283, Private Bag X22, Tygervalley, Cape Town, 7536
Copyright Third Sector Insights 2013
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