Empower Your Organisation

Equip your team to excel

with ourGovernance E-Learning programme

for Executives & Governing Body members

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Third Sector Insights bridges the gap between the For-Profit and Non-Profit sectors.


This is how we can benefit & serve you.

Online Course

Study at your own pace online.
Equip yourself with our course on Governship & Corporate Governship.

Workshops & Seminars

Equipping and growing  your  leaders.


Executive coaching CEO’s, Governing body members and chairpersons.

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ourCOACHING © TSI offers executive, Board Chair and Board Member coaching where requested on a fair fee for service basis and dependent on the level and duration of the engagement.

Leadership Community

Online forum and chat feature.

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The discussion group has been established to explore the governance and leadership issues and challenges facing the governing bodies and executives of non-profit (NPO) and social impact organisations (SIO) in the ‘Third Sector’, and share meaningful strategies, solutions and actions to address these. The challenge in the sector is how do we share meaningful and relevant information to all NPO & SIO Governing body members, Executives and Management, to help equip them to be more effective and efficient in the discharging of their duties on behalf of the stakeholders and the beneficiaries they are privileged to serve for improved social impact.


For Governing body boards

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ourPOLICYDIAGNOSTICDASHBOARD © is generally the natural follow on from the ourORGANISATIONREVIEW © which entails a more robust engagement with the organisation, to build on the development areas identified through the organisations diagnostic review, and further identify the policy areas needing attention within the organisation. The dashboard becomes part of the Board pack and is reviewed by the Board at each Board meeting. The policy diagnostic dashboard is provided after consultation to identify how long the engagement with the organisation will take. Thereafter the engagement is on an agreed fair fee for service basis.

Performance Evaluation

For Governing body boards

Communication & Support

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Governing Bodies (Boards)

Governing body induction / orientation sessions.

Why invest in board development and orientation? The main reason for conducting board orientation and development is twofold, firstly as a risk mitigation strategy and secondly as part of the organisations ongoing commitment to director development. Generally it is more effective to have the orientation workshop structured over a focused three and a half hour session. However, one must take into account the realities, time availability and practicalities of doing this from the Boards perspective.


Experience over the years has indicated that it is generally beneficial to give an overview of the sector, which includes the different types of NPO’s and their responsibilities. Then lead into board composition, sub committees and their deliverables, approval frameworks and delegation of authority, followed by an explanation of the current codes of good practice including KING III & IV, We included Board effectiveness as this has become a critical area in board development and close with the Greiners five phases of growth model. We have found that this flow encourages open and productive interaction with the board, especially as discussion points are included during the presentation to gain full participation from the board members.


Prior to the workshop being conducted a NPO diagnostic is supplied to the organisation for completion, to assist in the customisation of the workshop to cover core critical areas of identified organisational development needs.

  • The Third Sector Landscape – (Set the scene)
  • NPO organisational structures – (Understanding the difference)
  • The concept of governance (Explanation and interaction)
  • Roles and responsibilities and Standard of conduct for directors(Explanation and interaction)
  • Board composition and Board-Committee Terms of Reference and composition- (Understand the board structures)
  • Codes of Good practice and their relevance – (The value based approach)
  • The Chairpersons duties (Understand the importance of this role)
  • Board effectiveness – (Understand the board performance expectation)
  • The five phases of growth of an organisation – (Understand where the organisation fits)

Leadership Community

Join our online forum and chat feature to engage with fellow executives and
governing body members on the course to discuss relevant issues.

Our Vision

Our vision is for responsible stewardship in Non-profit Organisations resulting in an extremely successful, professional and
credible Third Sector with strong working relationships with their for-profit partners.

Let’s talk about how we can help you.

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Pinehurst, Durbanville, Cape Town 7569
Suite 283, Private Bag X22, Tygervalley, Cape Town, 7536

+27 76 186 7940



Copyright Third Sector Insights 2013