Registration is open for the #ThinkGood2020: Please register now to avoid disappointment. Registration is FREE!!!! –

The events of 2020 have irrevocably changed the way the world does business and if non-profits are to survive and thrive, they need to navigate this new reality.
To help you prepare, #ThinkGood2020 has gone virtual for the first time! Bringing you a day-long online seminar, offering 15 presentations that will be hosted by South African experts in their fields and packed with invaluable information, tips and trends. There are five topics to choose from in each session and it promises to be our best yet! From the latest in social media trends to fundraising post-Covid-19, there is something for everyone.
This year’s theme is Towards a New Horizon, reflecting our hope for and commitment to the South African non-profit sector, and those who serve it.
Looking forward to see you all there online.